Manjaro Mate Short Manual

Chroot in your system.

There is some way to chroot intoo your system. If you made a mistake. You can use a liveCD or USB to fix your system in a container.


Its a manjaro Chroot it recognize and chroot automatically in your system.

manjaro-chroot -h    (for help)
manjaro-chroot -a    ( automatic chroot)

Its untested with users with luks encryption. Those users should do the other way.

Mount into your system.

check your file system :


if you got a view in your partitions. Create a folder for your chroot and mount!

# mkdir /mnt/manjaro
# mount /dev/sdX1 /mnt/manjaro

optional: if you got seoporate filesystem. you have to mount them too.

# mount /dev/sdx2 /mnt/manjaro/boot/
# mount /dev/sdx3 /mnt/manjaro/home/
Note: If trying to access an encrypted filesystem,
do not forget to first unlock its container
(e.g. with # cryptsetup open /dev/sdX# name for dm-crypt/LUKS-based encryption), 
then mount the device using its previously supplied device-mapper name (under the form
# mount /dev/mapper/name /mnt/arch/...).
More info: Unlocking/Mapping LUKS partitions with the device mapper.


After mounting your disk.

cd /mnt/manjaro

Then you are chrooted in a container.

Regular chroot

Old or normal way is this ;

# cd /mnt/manjaro
# mount -t proc proc proc/
# mount --rbind /sys sys/
# mount --rbind /dev dev/

optional :

# mount --rbind /run run/

when DNS setting needed :

# cp /etc/resolv.conf etc/resolv.conf

Then finally chroot intoo the system:

# chroot /mnt/manjaro /bin/bash

Last word.

Its needed if you fix your system on fly :)